Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cook Weekly - 30 juin 2008

Dear friends and family:
We've arrived safely in OH. We packed up both Elysia's and our cars to the brim and headed west last Wed. to OH after saying many teary good-byes to our friends in Nyack.

Andy had left the week before in order to attend camp at Beulah Beach. He had a great time and I've attached a picture of him backpacking in PA, which is where the camp took them for the majority of the week.

We had a great week getting settled in Mansfield and celebrating both Matt's and Elysia's birthdays. Yesterday, Elysia's birthday, we attended Mansfield's Bicentennial Parade and a concert in the early evening by the Ohio State Alumni Marching Band. Afterwards we had a bonfire at the Cook farm with some family members. Another picture is there for your pleasure.

Thanks for your prayers as we start our 6 mos. of transition back to Africa.

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