Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cook Weekly - 14 juillet 2008

Thank you for your prayers this week as we traveled to California to visit Matt's brother's family. We had a great time with them. (Picture above)

This week cars are very much on our minds. Elysia is hoping to upgrade from her 24 year old car to something in which she will have more confidence. We are alsp beginning to think about what kind of car we need to get in Africa. The road to the seminary is never in great shape and we need to have access to the seminary even during rainy season when it is in terrible shape (mud, holes, etc.) A small sedan is cheaper, but a 4 wheel drive would handle the mud. We need to get something fairly new because we won't have a budget for car repairs. Thanks to all of you who have already given to our "Matt Cook Vehicle Special".

Pray for wisdom for both Lys and us as we look for cars here AND there.

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