Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cook weekly - 4 aout 2008

Dear friends and family:

It was great today to be with our Family in Christ at Millersburg, OH,
where we lived 5 years just prior to going overseas. We had a brief,
but enjoyable time there.

We are getting ready to return in 6 short days. These last few days
are packed with family times, visiting friends, a couple of sewing
projects, packing, re-packing, last few items to purchase, buying a
car for Lys, returning our car to the Missionary Wheels, etc.

Here are our next contacts for all of us. If any of you don't have
them, please make note of these changes. All of these changes will be
taking place over the next 2 weeks. We don't have phone numbers yet
for France, but when we do, we'll post them. We love you all and thank
you for your constant prayers and support!!! I know that sounds glib,
but we really do mean it!

Matt and Cindy Cook:
(you can always use for quick replies)
Ecole de langue des Cèdres
17 voie de Wissous
MASSY 91300

996 Taylor Road
Mansfield, OH 44903
(419) 709-0873
(this is our permanent stateside address also, being my parent's address)

Holly (221.832.44.57) and Andy (221.832.59.34) at boarding school:
Dakar Academy
BP 3189, Route des Maristes
Dakar, Senegal
W. Africa

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