Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cook weekly - 19 mai 2008

We have many familial praises this week to share with you

Elysia drove to Ohio this week by herself. She was tired, but she arrived safely. Praise God!
Elysia's met with the admissions people at Med-Central School of Nursing and found that she is in excellent shape financially for this program. Not only have they considered her as an Ohio resident, but they have given her scholarships that should cover most of her tuition costs!
Matt and Cindy have had more time to relax this week as they is now finished with their responsibilities at ATS and Nyack.
Andy's 5th grade musical was a complete success! Our "little prince" was a real ham! (Andy is in the middle of the picture)

Prayer Requests:

Pray that Elysia finds new friends with similar interests as she settles into Ohio.
Pray that Matt and Cindy make good and wise purchases as they seek to take back to Africa only the bare essentials for the coming 2-4 years.
Pray that we'll have opportunities to be with both family and friends before our departure on August 11th.

Thank you for your support in prayer and love,
Cindy and Matt Cook

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