Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cook Weekly - 26 janvier 2009

We would like for you to pray for our African boss, Isaac Keita, (pronouced Kay-tuh) the President of the Seminary where we teach (FATEAC) and his wife Rachel and family.

* He's in the throes of finishing his doctoral dissertation from Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL. Imagine trying to write a book in your 3rd language.
* By an administrative error his son, Asaph, was enrolled in medical school as a foreign student and is being charged over $1,000 extra, by his home country of Guinea.
* Because he received wrong information, another son, Paul, was not able to take his English as a 2nd Language test this week, which is necessary for application to law schools in the states. The exam is very expensive and they've already paid for it once, but now may have to pay again.
* This week Isaac received news that because of the lack of Great Commission Fund gifts, support for FATEAC is being significantly cut. This places tremendous pressure on Isaac who wonders how he'll pay his teachers.
* One last request is for Rachel. She has been very sick the last couple of days with the flu and now it seems to be going into Malaria.

Please pray for this family. If you would like to give support to FATEAC financially click here.

Matt and Cindy Cook

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